Pitt’s Commitments to Discourse and Dialogue

Engagement with the Institute for Citizens and Scholars

Civic discourse and freedom of expression have always been central to the work that we do in education, research, and engagement at the University of Pittsburgh. Pitt affirmed this commitment in August 2023 by signing on the Institute for Citizens and Scholars Campus Call for Free Expression. Chancellor Gabel was among the first of 13 university presidents to sign this commitment to “urgently spotlight, uplift, and re-emphasize the principles of critical inquiry and civic discourse.” Pitt’s deep commitments to discourse and dialogue through the Year of Discourse and Dialogue and continued involvement with the Institute’s College President’s for Civic Preparedness initiative position us among leading universities advancing targeted programming for students focused on “civic education and opportunities to develop skills, habits, practices and norms for living in a pluralistic society.”

The University of Pittsburgh and other partners in the Civic Preparedness initiative are developing Campuswide Immersion plans that call for expanded opportunities for students to learn and practice deliberative and collaborative problem-solving during their time in school. As we develop and implement this plan at Pitt, we aim to support students, staff, and faculty in gaining the 1) motivation, 2) skills, and 3) social permission to engage across differences more effectively.

Advancing the Plan for Pitt

Our work in the Year of Discourse and Dialogue is guided as well by the Plan for Pitt 2028.  The Plan’s Pillars offer us a foundation for this work, including our commitment to Promoting Accountability and Trust and actions focused on Promoting the Free Exchange of Ideas. Further, our capacity for discourse and dialogue supports our work in advancing all of the priorities in the Plan for Pitt.